
class immp.plug.hangouts.HangoutsUser(id_=None, plug=None, *, username=None, real_name=None, avatar=None, link=None, suggested=False, raw=None)#

Bases: User

User present in Hangouts.

classmethod from_user(hangouts, user)#

Convert a hangups.user.User into a User.

  • hangouts (.HangoutsPlug) – Related plug instance that provides the user.

  • user (hangups.user.User) – Hangups user object retrieved from the user list.


Parsed user object.

Return type:


classmethod from_entity(hangouts, entity)#

Convert a hangups.hangouts_pb2.Entity into a User.

  • hangouts (.HangoutsPlug) – Related plug instance that provides the user.

  • user (hangups.hangouts_pb2.Entity) – Hangouts entity response retrieved from a hangups.hangouts_pb2.GetEntityByIdRequest.


Parsed user object.

Return type:


class immp.plug.hangouts.HangoutsSegment(text, *, bold=False, italic=False, underline=False, strike=False, code=False, pre=False, link=None, mention=None)#

Bases: Segment

Plug-friendly representation of Hangouts message formatting.

classmethod from_segment(segment)#

Convert a hangups.ChatMessageSegment into a Segment.


segment (hangups.ChatMessageSegment) – Hangups message segment from the conversation event.


Parsed segment object.

Return type:


classmethod to_segments(segment)#

Convert a Segment into one or more hangups.ChatMessageSegment instances.


segment (.Segment) – Message segment created by another plug.


Unparsed segment objects.

Return type:

hangups.ChatMessageSegment list

class immp.plug.hangouts.HangoutsLocation(latitude=None, longitude=None, name=None, address=None)#

Bases: Location

classmethod from_embed(embed)#

Convert a hangouts_pb2.EmbedItem into a Location.


embed (hangups.hangouts_pb2.EmbedItem) – Location inside a Hangups message event.


Parsed location object.

Return type:


classmethod to_place(location)#

Convert a Location into a hangouts_pb2.EmbedItem.


location (.Location) – Location created by another plug.


Formatted embed item, suitable for sending inside a hangups.hangouts_pb2.Place object.

Return type:


class immp.plug.hangouts.HangoutsFile(hangouts, title=None, type_=None, source=None)#

Bases: File

File attachment originating from Hangouts.

async get_content(sess)#

Stream the contents of the file, suitable for writing to a file or uploading elsewhere.

The default implementation will try to fetch a file by the source field. It may be overridden to add authentication or other metadata, but the method must remain callable with only a session passed to it.


sess (aiohttp.ClientSession) – Existing HTTP session with which to make any requests.


Readable stream of the raw file.

Return type:


async classmethod from_embed(hangouts, embed)#

Convert a hangouts_pb2.PlusPhoto into a File.

  • hangouts (.HangoutsPlug) – Related plug instance that provides the file.

  • embed (hangups.hangouts_pb2.EmbedItem) – Photo or video inside a Hangups message event.


Parsed file object.

Return type:


class immp.plug.hangouts.HangoutsMessage(*, text=None, user=None, edited=False, action=False, reply_to=None, joined=None, left=None, title=None, attachments=None, raw=None)#

Bases: Message

Message originating from Hangouts.

async classmethod from_event(hangouts, event)#

Convert a hangups.ChatMessageEvent into a Message.

  • hangouts (.HangoutsPlug) – Related plug instance that provides the event.

  • event (hangups.ChatMessageEvent) – Hangups message event emitted from a conversation.


Parsed message object.

Return type:


class immp.plug.hangouts.HangoutsPlug(name, config, host)#

Bases: Plug, HTTPOpenable

Plug for Google Hangouts.

async start()#

Perform any underlying operations needed to ready this resource for use, such as opening connections to an external network or API.

If using an event-driven framework that yields and runs in the background, you should use a signal of some form (e.g. asyncio.Condition) to block this method until the framework is ready for use.

async stop()#

Perform any underlying operations needed to stop using this resource and tidy up, such as terminating open network connections.

Like with start(), this should block as needed to wait for other frameworks – this method should return only when ready to be started again.

async user_from_id(id_)#

Retrieve a User based on the underlying network’s identifier.


id (str) – Network identifier of the user.


Corresponding user instance.

Return type:


async user_is_system(user)#

Check if a given user is automated by the plug (for example a bot user from which the plug operates). Hooks may exclude system users from certain operations.


True if the user relates to the plug itself.

Return type:


async public_channels()#

Retrieve all shared channels known to this plug, either public or otherwise accessible. May return None if the network doesn’t support channel discovery.


All available non-private channels.

Return type:

.Channel list

async private_channels()#

Retrieve all private (one-to-one) channels known to this plug. May return None if the network doesn’t support channel discovery.


All available private channels.

Return type:

.Channel list

async channel_for_user(user)#

Retrieve a Channel representing a private (one-to-one) conversation between a given user and the service. Returns None if the user does not have a private channel.


user (.User) – Requested user instance.


Private channel for this user.

Return type:


async channel_is_private(channel)#

Test if a given channel represents a private (one-to-one) conversation between a given user and the service. May return None if the network doesn’t have a notion of public/shared and private channels.


channel (.Channel) – Requested channel instance.


True if the channel is private.

Return type:


async channel_title(channel)#

Retrieve the friendly name of this channel, as used in the underlying network. May return None if the service doesn’t have a notion of titles.


Display name for the channel.

Return type:


Return a URL that acts as a direct link to the given channel. This is not a join link, rather one that opens a conversation in the client (it may e.g. use a custom protocol).


channel (.Channel) – Requested channel instance.


Internal deep link to this channel.

Return type:


async channel_rename(channel, title)#

Update the friendly name of this conversation.

  • channel (.Channel) – Requested channel instance.

  • title (str) – New display name for the channel.

async channel_members(channel)#

Retrieve a User list representing all members of the given channel. May return None if the plug doesn’t recognise the channel, or is unable to query members.


channel (.Channel) – Requested channel instance.


Members present in the channel.

Return type:

.User list

async channel_admins(channel)#

Retrieve a User list representing members of the given channel with the ability to manage the channel or its members. May return None if the plug doesn’t recognise the channel, is unable to query members, or has no concept of admins.


channel (.Channel) – Requested channel instance.


Members with admin privileges present in the channel.

Return type:

.User list

async channel_invite_multi(channel, users)#

Add multiple users to the channel’s list of members.

By default, calls channel_invite() for each channel-user pair, but can be overridden in order to optimise any necessary work.

  • channel (.Channel) – Requested channel instance.

  • users (.User list) – New users to invite.

async channel_invite(channel, user)#

Add the given user to the channel’s list of members.

  • channel (.Channel) – Requested channel instance.

  • user (.User) – New user to invite.

async channel_remove(channel, user)#

Remove the given user from the channel’s list of members.

  • channel (.Channel) – Requested channel instance.

  • user (.User) – Existing user to kick.

Create a URL that can be used by non-members to join the given channel. To link existing participants to the channel without invite authorisation, see channel_link().

  • channel (.Channel) – Requested channel instance.

  • shared (bool) –

    True (default) for a common, unlimited-use, non-expiring link (subject to any limitations from the underlying network); False for a private, single-use link.

    Networks may only support one of these two modes of link creation; if None is returned, but the caller can make do with the other type, they may retry the call and flip this option.


Shareable invite link, or None if one couldn’t be created.

Return type:


Revoke an invite link, or otherwise prevent its use in the future.

  • channel (.Channel) – Requested channel instance.

  • link (str) – Existing invite link to revoke. This should be provided when known; if None, the plug will revoke the default invite link, if such a link exists for the channel in the underlying network.

async channel_history(channel, before=None)#

Retrieve the most recent messages sent or received in the given channel. May return an empty list if the plug is unable to query history.

  • channel (.Channel) – Requested channel instance.

  • before (.Receipt) – Starting point message, or None to fetch the most recent.


Messages from the channel, oldest first.

Return type:

.Receipt list

async get_message(receipt)#

Lookup a Receipt and fetch the corresponding SentMessage.


receipt (.Receipt) – Existing message reference to retrieve.


Full message.

Return type:


async put(channel, msg)#

Take a Message object, and push it to the underlying network.

Because some plugs may not support combinations of message components (such as text and an accompanying image), this method may send more than one physical message.

  • channel (.Channel) – Target channel for the new message.

  • msg (.Message) – Original message received from another channel or plug.


References to new messages sent to the plug.

Return type:

.Receipt list