
IMMP uses the latest and greatest Python features (that is, native async/await syntax and asynchronous generators), and therefore requires at least Python 3.6.

From PyPI

Install the core module from PyPI:

$ pip install immp

This only pulls in the core requirements; it doesn’t include dependencies for most plugs and hooks, see below for how to obtain them.

From the repo

Check out a copy of the repository from GitHub:

$ git clone
$ cd IMMP

Then install IMMP as a link to the checkout:

$ pip install -e .

If you don’t intend to work on the code and just want the bleeding edge, you can alternatively install with pip directly:

$ pip install git+

With dependencies

For Python library dependencies, review the Python requirements to see what each plug and hook needs.

The setup script defines a number of extras which can be used to pull in one or more categories of requirements:

$ pip install immp[runner,uv,db,web,webui,console,sync,discord,hangouts,slack,telegram]

If installed from the repo, replace immp with . as above to use the current directory.

Alternatively, you can just install all possible dependencies with the included requirements file:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Using Docker

A Dockerfile is included in the repo, and an image can be built using the standard commands (here assuming you have configured Docker to accept commands from non-root users):

$ docker build . --tag immp

To run it, you need to bind a config file to /data/config.yaml. If you need auxiliary files, you can bind-mount the entire /data directory to provide them from the host:

$ docker run --mount type=bind,source=/var/lib/immp,target=/data immp

IMMP will be run using /data as its working directory, so you can reference other files from your config without needing to specify the full path. This will run without the -w flag, so config changes will not be written back on exit – override the command if you need this.

Note that Docker mounts don’t allow changing the owner or group, and will default to UID/GID 1000. This means the files on the host must be writeable by UID 1000, or be world-writeable. If your host owner or group is different, you can set the uid and gid build args to match:

$ docker build --build-arg uid=1002 --build-arg gid=1001 . --tag immp