For users ========= .. note:: This section is a work in progress, and relates mostly to chat bots. Bot administrators may not have all of the features listed below enabled. Any command examples assume a command prefix of **?**. Help ---- The **?help** command will list all available commands to you. You can also request help on a specific command in that list using **?help** *command-name*. Local identities ---------------- You can identify yourself to the bot, which may be shown in places where you are not immediately present (e.g. across synced conversations), and may be required to grant you additional permissions (e.g. access to secure conversations). To do this, you should send a private message to the bot: **?id-add** *Fred* *secret-phrase* Here, *Fred* is the display name you wish to use on the platform (your administrators may wish for you to use a name which matches an existing network), and *secret-phrase* is a password used to verify yourself across multiple identities. Names may not contain whitespace. .. warning:: You should ensure that your password is not easily guessed by others. You should also not reuse existing passwords (especially not for the physical account that you're identifying!) as it will appear in logs and your chat history. If needed, you can change your display name with **?id-rename** *Fred*, or set a new password using **?id-password** *secret-phrase*. You can also delete your identity and start afresh (beware, this is instant) by saying **?id-reset**. You can query for a user and their linked profiles from any conversation using **?who** *Fred*. Keyword subscriptions --------------------- These allow you to be notified by the bot when certain phrases are mentioned in a conversation. To add a new subscription, PM the bot with **?sub-add** *chocolate*, which will add *chocolate* to your set of subscriptions. **?sub-remove** *chocolate* will remove it again. Get a current list of active subscriptions using **?sub-list**. You may find that you don't need to be notified every time in a conversation specifically about chocolate, therefore you can opt-out of a given subscription in a single conversation by going there and saying **?sub-exclude** *chocolate*. Channel notes ------------- Each conversation can have a list of notes attached to it, which can be recalled together or individually. Use **?note-list** to show all notes in the current conversation, or if you know the position of a single note, **?note-show** *4* will show the *4th* one down. You can also search for text across all notes by saying **?note-search** *event*. To add a new note to the list, **?note-add** *The content of the note.* If a note is no longer needed, use **?note-remove** *4* to drop the *4th* one.